GameText Styles

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To be used with GameText and textdraws.

Text Colors

  • ~n~ New line
  • ~r~ Red
  • ~g~ Green
  • ~b~ Blue
  • ~w~ or ~s~ White
  • ~y~ Yellow
  • ~p~ Purple
  • ~l~ Black (lower case L)
  • ~h~ Turn text color lighter (used too much will make your text white, doesn't work on black)

Special Text Letters

  • ~u~ up arrow (gray)
  • ~d~ down arrow (gray)
  • ~<~ left arrow (gray)
  • ~>~ right arrow (gray)
  • ] displays a * symbol (Only in text styles 3, 4 and 5)
  • ~k~ keyboard key mapping (e.g. ~k~~VEHICLE_TURRETLEFT~ and ~k~~PED_FIREWEAPON~). Look here for a list of keys



Be careful, using too many text colors or special characters in one gametext may crash every player the gametext is shown to. Additionally, avoid using an uneven usage of the ~ character.

Example: ~~r~Hello, ~g~how are ~y~~you?~

Text Styles

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