Random Messages

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This is the tutorial about making random messages show up.

Firstly, we'll set the messages ready:

new RandomMSG[][] =
    "Random Message 1",
    "Random Message 2",
    "Random Message 3"

Secondly, we'll have to set the timer, like this (for example, OnGameModeInit):

SetTimer("SendMSG", 60000, true);
// 60000ms = 60 seconds = 1 minute

Setting up the function

The function we'll use is called "SendMSG", so lets forward it (Forwarding)

forward SendMSG();

Now, lets do the function itself:

public SendMSG()

Making the message show

Head to the callback (Forwarded already, set up in somewhere in the script below main())

public SendMSG() // What it looks at the moment

So, lets open the callback (do the following as shown):

public SendMSG()
    // effect

Now, we'll do the effect at "//effect" (NOTE: "//effect" isn't some special character. "//" gives you a comment line) Simply,

new randMSG = random(sizeof(RandomMSG)); //calculates the size of RandomMSG (which is 3)
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR, RandomMSG[randMSG]); // Replace the "color" with your defined color.

So at the end we have this callback:

public SendMSG()
    new randMSG = random(sizeof(RandomMSG));
    SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR, RandomMSG[randMSG]); // Replace the "COLOR" with your defined color.
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