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Include Name
Latest VersionUnknown (?)
Development Status Active
License Unknown
Forum Topic


  • name: the name of the include
  • author_id: the user's forum member id (e.g. 3)
  • author_name: the user's forum name (e.g. Kalcor)
  • released: the date the include was first released (e.g. 27/04/2014)
  • latest_version: the latest version of the include (e.g. 1.2.5 R2)
  • latest_date: the date the include was last updated (e.g. 27/04/2014)
  • status: development status. Can be one of:
    • Active: The include is in active development and is being supported by the developer
    • Inactive: The include is inactive; it hasn't been updated in a while and no support is provided by the developer
    • Abandoned: The include has been officially abandoned; no further support or updates are provided
    • Deprecated: The include has been deprecated by its developer. This usually means a better version is available somewhere.
    • Broken: The include does not work in the current SA-MP version
  • license: URL to licensing information (e.g. Mozilla Public License)
  • topic: plain link to forum topic