TextDraw Sprites

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Image:32px-Ambox_warning_orange.png This article is currently a Work In Progress. It is therefore possible that the content of this article is currently incomplete or incorrect.

The following is a list of textdraw sprites (textures) that can be used in a (player)textdraw (with font id 4) and shown to players. To use a sprite, the text of a textdraw must be set according to a set format:"library:texture". The extension ".txd" need not be appended. Currently, only the libraries found in <SA Dir>/models/txd/ and <SA Dir>/SAMP/ can be used.




Texture Size Description
intro1 512x512 Large black texture, with the following text in the bottom-right corner: Marco's Bistro, Liberty City, 1986. Likely a leftover from GTA Vice City.


Texture Size Description
intro1 512x512 Same as intro1, except the text now reads: Escobar International Airport, Vice City.


Texture Size Description
intro1 512x512 Same as the former two, the text now reads: Vice City Docks.


Texture Size Description
intro1 512x512 Once again the same as the former three, with the text: Vice Beach, outside Ken's office.


Texture Size Description
upr 32x32 Gray arrow pointing to the upper right corner.
upl 32x32 Gray arrow pointing to the upper left corner.
up 32x32 Gray arrow pointing up.
triang 32x32 PlayStation Triangle button.
square 32x32 PlayStation Square button.
right 32x32 Gray arrow pointing right.
left 32x32 Gray arrow pointing left.
downr 32x32 Gray arrow pointing to the bottom right corner.
downl 32x32 Gray arrow pointing to the bottom left corner.
down 32x32 Gray arrow pointing down.
cross 32x32 PlayStation 'X' button.
cring 64x64 Transparent circle with yellow border.
circle 32x32 PlayStation 'O' button.
chit 64x64 White opaque circle.