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The tape's running, I push the button to send:
upon each other we all depend... message end

Hi! I'm Renegade334. I used to script SA:MP things. Now I script web things and IRC things that talk to SA:MP servers.

If you have any queries, then please ask. I'm happy to have a look at and debug any code snippets you're having trouble with, or provide advice on SA:MP projects and web integration. I also know a few other programming and scripting languages, so don't be shy if you're looking for help.

I lurk in the #sa-mp channel these days, so come find me!

Current projects:

Contact me:

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Image:Towel.jpg       This user may or may not be a towel.
Image:Lonely.gif                 This user is single. You can help him by offering to make sweet, sweet love to him.