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This function takes an integer, and returns a string formatted with commas (','), to make it easier to read. This can be very useful for scripts that use money, such as a lottery script.

numberThe integer you wish to format

Return Values:

A string with commas placed after every three numbers


AddCommasToInt(1234567); // Returns 1,234,567
AddCommasToInt(1234);    // Returns 1,234
AddCommasToInt(123);     // Returns 123


 * Adds thousands separators to a number and returns the result as a string. It
 * seems only logical to start from the back and count groups of 3 until the
 * front is reached. Works with any positive or negative 32 bit integer.
 * @param int number value to add seperators to
 * @param string separator the separator char
 * @return string the formatted string
 * @author Vince
AddThousandsSeparators(number, const separator[] = ",")
	new output[15]; // longest possible output given 32 bit integers: -2,147,483,648
	format(output, sizeof(output), "%d", number);
	for(new i = strlen(output) - 3; i > 0 && output[i-1] != '-'; i -= 3)
		strins(output, separator, i);
	return output;

Other versions

Version by Puffmac. Edited by Kar and WestSide

stock AddCommasToInt(number)
        tStr[16]; // Up to 9,999,999,999,999
    new number2 = number;
    if(number < 0) number = number * -1;
    format(tStr, sizeof(tStr), "%d", number);
    if(strlen(tStr) < 4)
 	return tStr;
        iPos = strlen(tStr),
        iCount = 1;
    while(iPos > 0)
	if(iCount == 4)
	    iCount = 0;
	    strins(tStr, ",", iPos, 1);
    if(number2 < 0) format(tStr, sizeof(tStr), "-%s", tStr);
    return tStr;

Version by DeimoS

stock AddCommasToInt(number, delimiter[2] = ".")
	new int_string[10+3+1+1];
            The maximum value for the Integer: "-2147483647" to "2147483647"
            Consequently, transmit greater than this value as a parameter impossible (only if we make "number" parameter as string)
            Declare 10 cells for the number and 3 cells for the delimiters for the largest possible number and 1 cell
            for minus and 1 and cell for the null-character.
	format(int_string, sizeof(int_string), "%d", number >= 0 ? number : -number); //If the number is positive - we write it in the usual way. Otherwise, convert it to a positive number, adding a minus
	new value = strlen(int_string); // Write in "i" length of the string with the our number
		case 4..6: // If the number has passed from 4 up to 6 characters, add a delimiter
					strins(int_string, delimiter, value-3,1);
		case 7..9: // From 7 to 9 characters - two delimiters
					strins(int_string, delimiter, value-3,1), 
					strins(int_string, delimiter, value-6,1);
		case 10..12: // From 10 to 12 characters - three delimiters
					strins(int_string, delimiter, value-3,1), 
					strins(int_string, delimiter, value-6,1), 
					strins(int_string, delimiter, value-9,1);
	if(number < 0) strins(int_string, "-", 0); // If the number is negative, it return him minus
	return int_string;